All About Morgan

Hi there, I'm Morgan! Welcome to my blog
Now you have come to About Me for a reason, you are just as curious as I am when I see a new blog! I want to know about the person behind the screen. So I am an average girl, I have gotten the title as "The Lilly Queen" and "Starbucks Lover". I make many trips to Starbucks, I try to limit myself only once a week! I also collect Starbucks ornaments! I love shopping, me and Target are like best friends. I am married, so when I mention I am going to Target, my husband cringes.... I also love Lilly Pulitzer, which if you know me this is an obvious observation. I am a High School Teacher, I teach Algebra 1 and 2 currently. I love being in the classroom, it is truly what I was meant to do! 

All to the side, I hope you got to know me a little better but always ask me some questions if you are ever curious!

If you would like to follow me around, my links are below!

Instagram: @morgslifestyle
Twitter: @morgslifestyle
Business purposes email:

Thanks for stopping by and hope you come back!

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